
Helping you keep the cogs turning
We partner with manufacturers to provide tailored Cyber Security and IT infrastructure solutions. Our experts can assist your organisation to identify, build and implement a robust solution that helps give you peace of mind.

"Manufacturing organisations represented 20% of all cyber extortion attacks in 2023"

How can we help?
We were founded in the manufacturing heartland of Stoke-on-Trent and have provided a wide range of Cyber Security Solutions and IT infrastructure services to the manufacturing sector. Regardless of requirements, our experts can help find a solution that fits your organisation perfectly, and help you bolster your security posture.

"D2NA ensure maximum up-time. They help us continually review our blueprint of the future."

Darren Snookes, Financial Controller @ Titanic Brewery & Restaurant Chain

Top Concerns for Manufacturers

From partnering with organisations in the manufacturing sector over the years, we feel we’ve got to know them pretty well. Here is our list of top Cyber Security concerns that manufacturers currently face and we’ve got a suspicion you might be facing some of these too!



These attacks involve malware that encrypts a manufacturer’s data and demands payment for the decryption key. Ransomware can halt production lines and cause significant financial losses.


Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

We know that nearly every manufacturer we've spoken to rely on complex supply chains. Cyber attacks on suppliers or third-party vendors can compromise the entire production process.


Securing Aging Systems

We've found that manufacturers can rely on older hardware, operating systems and software to get through the working day. This is because they may be responsible for keeping machinery running. These older systems are a huge risk and making sure they are migrated to a more modern infrastructure requires expert advice and assistance.


Regulatory Compliance

Manufacturers must comply with various industry standards and regulations (e.g., NIST, ISO 27001). Failure to comply can result in legal penalties and increased risk of cyber incidents.

We'd love to help make your organisation more secure and productive. Get in touch with our team today to start your journey.

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