Cyber Essentials

A scheme for organisations to demonstrate their commitment to Cyber Security
The Cyber Essentials scheme is a UK Government-backed and industry supported accreditation that helps organisations demonstrate they are taking necessary steps to protect themselves from cyber security attacks and to keep customer data safe.

Once awarded a Cyber Essentials certification, you receive a certificate and badge to display on your premises and website.

Cyber Essentials can be achieved through two levels of certification:

Level 1: Cyber Essentials

The first tier is a self-assessment option against five basic security controls, which we then verify as an assessor. This includes whether you are using firewalls, have a secure network, apply regular software updates and have secure user and administration accounts.

Level 2: Cyber Essentials Plus

The second tier involves physical tests of your network and computers by us. Successful accreditation of Cyber Essentials Plus provides a higher level of assurance that your organisation has a strong cyber resilience regime with correctly implemented controls in place to maintain a robust defence against cyber-attacks.

Cyber Essentials
Cyber Essentials Plus
Certificate Awarded
£25,000 of Cyber Insurance
Optional Assistance Available from D2NA
External Vulnerability Scan
Onsite Internal Network Scan
Endpoint Compliance Checks
Optional Assistance
For both levels of certification, D2NA offer additional consultancy conducted by one of our cyber security experts. For standard Cyber Essentials, our expert will work with you to understand the questionnaire and assist with advice on answering the questions where required. Cyber Essentials Plus assistance will require an initial scoping call to determine the amount of assistance required. We can assist with identifying areas of failure and provide guidance to increase the chances of your assessment being successful. For any changes that may need to be made to infrastructure, we can still assist, but this would be within a separately scoped project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should your organisation get a Cyber Essentials certificate?

Cyber Essentials helps you demonstrate a commitment to cyber security to your customers and clients with a certificate and badge to display on your premises and website.

Having the certificate makes your organisation more resilient against the most common forms of cyber-attacks. This gives your organisation peace of mind knowing that your data is protected and your security systems are robust, should a cyber-attack occur. Allowing you to reach further business opportunities, as Cyber Essentials will enable you to tender for specific contracts in government.

Does my organisation need Cyber Essentials Certification for Government contracts?

Cyber Essentials is mandatory for businesses looking for specific government contracts. Without Cyber Essentials, you will not be able to bid for such contracts. Often these contracts will involve delivering certain IT products and services and the handling of personal information.

Do I need to have Cyber Essentials before getting Cyber Essentials Plus?

Yes, if your organisation wants to become Cyber Essentials Plus certified, you must first pass Cyber Essentials. In addition to this, you must take the Cyber Essentials Plus audit within 3 months from the date that your Cyber Essentials certificate was awarded.

My organisation has Cyber Essentials, do I need Cyber Essentials Plus?

There is no mandatory requirement for your organisation to obtain Cyber Essentials plus - If you wish to bid on government or MoD contracts then you will need Cyber Essentials as a bare minimum. However, having Cyber Essentials Plus shows your organisation is going the extra mile to ensure security and data protection.

However, if you do not require this then Cyber Essentials can make your organisation more resilient against the most common forms of cyber-attacks and demonstrate to your Clients that you are committed to being cyber secure.

Why would a law firm need Cyber Essentials?

A law firm’s greatest asset can often be its reputation, and it only takes one cyber incident for this reputation to be damaged beyond repair. However, if you are Cyber Essentials certified then you are safe from over 80% of cyber attacks.

Cyber Essentials also helps reassure your clients that you have good cyber hygiene and practices in place, especially when it comes to data protection, data handling and GDPR. Cyber Essentials can also support your Lexcel certification

Does a manufacturing business need to think about Cyber Essentials?

Manufacturing is an attractive target for cybercriminals. So much so, 47% of UK manufacturers report suffering a breach that cost them time or money. And, with more back-office staff working from home on unsecured networks and devices, the risk is only growing.

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification that shows your business takes cybersecurity seriously. This makes you an attractive partner and is reassuring new and existing customers.

Depending on what your organisation manufactures, government contracts could be an important source of revenue. If this is the case, then your organisation will need a valid Cyber Essentials certificate in order to bid for them.

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